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When we feel overwhelmed with pain it’s hard to focus on anything else. The rest of life seems muted and far away compared to the immense pain that can take all of our attention. This leads to making poor choices or no choice at all. Sometimes the pain comes and goes, and when it’s gone we feel alright, but as soon as the first twinge of uncomfortablity comes back we tense up and our mind is overrun with the negative thoughts and feelings of what’s around the corner. We’ve been down this path before, and we don’t like where it leads to. How can we make it all just go away. If you’re like me you’ve tried many different solutions before, wondering if this one will help. Spending time at doctors visits’, pain pills and anything else people have suggested.
There is a difference between chronic and acute pain. When you first injure yourself or get sick, that is acute pain, it is in direct response to something that happened to your body. Chronic pain is an illness or pain that doesn’t go away or keeps coming back. Allopathic medicine, or standard western medicine, can be great at fixing broken bones, cuts or getting rid of infections, helping the body to begin to repair itself. But it is not so great at preventing and healing chronic illness and pain. The difference in these two types of pain can often be confusing to understand as pain is important, and has taught us to not repeat something that will hurt us, think of how the sting of touching a hot stove will keep you from wanting to do that again. But with chronic pain often the injury or trauma is stuck in repeating this pattern without allowing the body to repair itself like it does with acute pain. In addition to the chronic pain, there is often a psychological and emotional impact that effects you and those in your life.
Did you know that over 50% of ER visits are pain related? More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. Pain costs $600 billion a year in medical treatments and lost productivity. Are you ready to look deeming into why your body is signaling you to pay attention? Are you wanting to figure out what how you can change your lifestyle to prevent disease and relief your ongoing pain? You can make better choices. You can wake up with energy and feel excited for the day a head. But you can’t do this alone. You need a guide, someone who has done this before, as well as support along the way.
When you enroll and join the 10-week Befriend Your Body course
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While working with Natasha I became much more aware of my habits that were not doing me any good. Like the habit of checking out to the televison, or simply shutting down when feeling overwhelmed. This process really helped me to stay connected with my life, my choices and my health.
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I have always had issues with sleep, and I do still struggle at times. But I have noticed a HUGE improvement in how deeply and soundly I sleep since removing sugar and all of the night time snacking from my diet. And with sleeping better and better nutrition comes a lot more energy! My self esteem is up because when you treat your body well, you just can’t help but love yourself that much more.
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Have any questions, email me at natasha@breathedailybliss.com